MBP was retained on behalf of the Architect of the Capitol when the project was approximately 50% complete to provide services that included two cost to complete estimates, CPM scheduling support during construction completion, and risk management training and implementation during completion of construction. The U.S. Capitol Visitor Center consists of a new 580,000-square-foot three-story… Read More
MBP provided commissioning services during the design, construction, and post-construction phases for the library renovation project. The design-build project involved modernizing the 21,266-gross-square-foot library to LEED Silver certification level and included a complete renovation and modernization of the building systems.
MBP has provided a wide range of construction management and consulting services for the Kennedy Center on numerous projects. Services have included on-site construction management and owner’s representative services, constructibility and contract review, CPM scheduling and schedule review, cost estimating and change order analysis, delay analysis, and claims consulting. Projects included sitework improvements, renovations, and… Read More
MBP provided existing condition documentation services prior to construction commencing with respect to adjacent buildings and streetscapes. The LiUNA office building is an eight-story, above grade and two-story below grade building located at 905 16th Street, NW in Washington, DC.
MBP provided existing condition documentation services prior to renovations commencing with respect to the exterior east and south façade, the curb lane of 20th Street, NW, and the 4th, 7th, and 9th floor restrooms. The renovation included the in-fill of the lower portion of the façade and replacement of the façade at the southeast corner… Read More
In 2019, as a subconsultant to FEA, MBP has assisted with the facility assessments, site investigations, and scoping of deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects at over 31 national parks for over 125 assets across the continental United States, Hawaii, and Alaska. These projects include a mix of facility types, road/street repairs, utility distribution, water/wastewater… Read More
MBP provided construction management support services as the project liaison to executive-level management of the National Mall staff and the Denver Service Center for the Washington Monument Earthquake Damage Repairs project located on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The Washington Monument is a stone masonry obelisk with a total height of 555 feet, 5-1/8 inches…. Read More
MBP provided CPM schedule review and analysis services for the 12-story, 420-unit condominium building located in Washington, DC. The building is a post-tensioned slab structure with a brick and stone façade. The project included below-ground parking, roof top pool and terrace, retail space, a performance theatre space, and historic facades.
MBP provided dispute resolution and cost analysis services for the fast-track construction of the 2.1 million-square-foot Class A World Bank Headquarters Complex with phased occupancy that comprised an entire city block. The work included identification and removal of hazardous materials, major demolition, and new construction work.