Program + Construction Management Archives - Page 4 of 9 - MBP Program + Construction Management Archives - Page 4 of 9 - MBP

City of Hampton, Todds Lane/Big Bethel Intersection Improvements

Todds Lane and Big Bethel Road Intersection

MBP provided inspection and construction documentation services. Known as one of the worst bottlenecks with some of the largest potholes and considered a safety hazard by commuters and city officials alike, improving the Todds Lane/Big Bethel Road Intersection was a much-needed state and federally-funded locally administered project. When it was discovered that the road-widening project… Read More

City of Lynchburg, Wastewater Treatment Plant

Wastewater treatment plant in Lynchburg

MBP provided full-time, on-site construction management services including project documentation, quality assurance, inspection services, and issue analysis and claims avoidance. The project consisted of the construction of a new chemical feed building and associated sitework, installation of two packaged scrubber systems, three exhaust fans, three chemical feed and storage systems, odor control ductwork system, demolition… Read More

City of Suffolk, Health and Human Services Building

Exterior of City of Suffolk Health and Human Services Building

MBP provided construction management services to support the Suffolk Economic Development Authority including schedule reviews, on-site inspection, and quality assurance. This design-build project consisted of a 63,000-square-foot, three-story medical office building. Sitework consisted of a new paved parking lot, landscaping, sewer, water, storm utilities, and stormwater management pond. This building achieved LEED Silver certification. “It… Read More

City of Williamsburg, Stryker Center

Exterior of Stryker Center

The Stryker Center was a Public-Private Education and Infrastructure Act (PPEA) project, which was designed to bring private sector expertise to bear on public projects – saving time and money. PPEA encourages innovative approaches to financing construction projects. MBP worked on comprehensive agreements for the owner which ensured the project, a joint venture between the… Read More

City of Wilmington, City of Wilmington Convention Center

Exterior of City of Wilmington Convention Center

As the owner’s representative, MBP provided full-time, on-site construction management services including cost estimating, quality control, managing project documentation, change order cost analysis, CPM schedule review, and dispute resolution services. MBP was selected to provide fundamental commissioning services as the project pursued LEED certification. The project was a 102,000-square-foot facility with a grand ballroom, an… Read More

City of Wilmington, River Place

Exterior of River Place

MBP provided construction management and owners representative services for this Water Street development, which includes a 13-story mixed-use project with 171 residential units, nearly 32,000 square feet of retail space, and a 403-space parking garage. The project involves the redevelopment of the Water Street Parking Deck located in the central business district of Wilmington, North… Read More

Dillard University, Katrina Repairs/Enhancements Program

Exterior of the Dillard University campus

MBP provided program management services including cost management and cost engineering services. Hurricane Katrina caused extensive wind damage and the failure of the London Avenue Canal flooded the Dillard University campus. The canal failure produced massive flood damage to campus infrastructure. The project included renovation and demolition of more than 30 buildings across Dillard University’s… Read More

Eastern Virginia Medical School, Waitzer Hall

Exterior of Eastern Virginia Medical School

MBP provided owner representative services, including coordinating a value engineering workshop, for the new Education and Academic Administration Building at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS). The new 11-story, 149,000-square-foot building includes a 310-space parking garage for the M1, M2, and Medical Masters programs and their staff as well as consolidating numerous academic support departments currently… Read More

Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, Mid-County Human Services Center

Exterior of Willow Oaks

MBP provided full-time, on-site representation to conduct quality control inspections, following pre-construction services that provided constructibility reviews through the design process. The project involved the construction of a mental health and human services facility. The main facility is a five-story, Class A office building with approximately 200,000 gross square feet. The facility contains general offices, 10… Read More

Great Bridge Battlefield and Waterways History Foundation Museum and Visitors Center

Exterior of Great Bridge Visitor Center

MBP provided construction management and inspections services to include schedule management, budget management, quality assurance inspections, and VDOT/FHWA project documentation for the construction of a this new 8,550-gross-square-foot, one-story Museum and Visitor Center in Georgian-style architecture. The structure is a concrete pile foundation, steel framing, and metal stud bearing walls and metal roof trusses, brick,… Read More